Tuesday 27 May 2014

Unit 4: Essay on EU and it's future

The growth of nationalism around Europe as seen by the latest EU Parliament election results is a consequence of a 'Remote & complex' Union. Discuss! (45 marks)

or in Natasha language...

The European Union is a bit rubbish, how would you improve it?

in Dob's...I don't care about the EU, just give me some weights to lift!

or Vlad's...Рост национализма в Европе как видно из последнего парламент ЕС результаты выборов является следствием "Дистанционное и комплекс" Союза. Обсудить! (45 знаков)

1. Intro to aims/objectives. (include definitions of nationalism vs federalism)
2. How has EU developed in terms of it's institutions
3. How do institutions work with each other
4. Have the objectives been met in last 50 years (Economy, welfare, prosperity, political union etc)
5. What are the current main issues (immigration, growth etc)
6. Are there any solutions (look to what politicians from around EU are saying)
7. Will it impact on further integration (if you can use the word Sclerosis, that would be great - link to 70's)
8. Conclusion - anything you want that is relevant.

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