Sunday 18 May 2014

Unit 4: Difficult interview for Nigel Farage - A must watch!

Nigel Farage endured a car crash live radio interview with LBC presenter James O'Brien on Friday morning. In began with the Ukip leader challenged over the "avalanche" of controversial comments made by his candidates. One Ukip candidate was revealed to have made remarks about what would happen if he "shot one poofter". Farage said he was "perfectly happy for us to have a debate about our idiots" but complained that other political parties were not subject to the same level of scrutiny as his was. As the interview continued Ukip communications director Patrick O'Flynn intervened in an attempt to get the programme shut down. "We had an agreement and you've massively overrun," he said. But his protests were ignored. Farage said it was unfair for the media to hold up a "handful of people" who made racist or homophobic comments as being representative of Ukip. And he insisted he could not be expected to know the views of every Ukip politician as he did not run the "day-to-day management" of the party. O'Brien also took Farage to task over his previous remarks that he felt uncomfortable when he heard people speaking languages other than English. And he was asked whether that meant he felt awkward when his German wife spoke German not English, he replied: "I don't suppose she speaks it on the train."

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