Tuesday 3 December 2013

Unit 3: Questions on Law & Order

Jan 10: How, and to what extent, has the Conservative Party’s approach to law and order
changed in recent years? (15 Marks)

Jan 11: To what extent is there disagreement between government and opposition parties
over policing? (15 marks)

Jan 12: Why have the coalition government’s policies on policing been controversial? (15 Marks)

Jan 13: How far is there disagreement between the government and the opposition over
policing? (15 Marks)

Jun 10: Explain the arguments for and against the wider use of custodial sentences and
longer prison terms. (15 Marks)

Jun 11: Why has the use of crime statistics been politically controversial? (15 Marks)

Jun 12: To what extent has the consensus on law & order come to an end? (15 Marks)

Jun 13: Explain the arguments for and against the wider use of community sentences for
offenders. (15 Marks)


Jan 10: ‘Government policies since 1997 have been very successful in reducing crime.’
Discuss. (45 Marks)

Jan 12 ‘Prison doesn't work.’ Discuss. (45 Marks)

Jan 13: Examine the view that the law and order policies of UK governments focus too much
on punishment and not enough on rehabilitation. (45 Marks)

Jun 10: To what extent have law and order policies since 1997 eroded traditional freedoms in
the UK? (45 Marks)

Jun 11: ‘Since 1997, there has been a growing consensus on law and order policy across the
political spectrum.’ Discuss. (45 Marks)

Jun 13: To what extent have law and order policies since 1997 eroded civil liberties in the UK? (45 Marks)

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