Wednesday 5 March 2014

Unit 4: The Social Chapter

The Social Chapter, signed at Maastricht in 1992 (but not by UK until 1997) contained far reaching regulations on the social rights of workers in the EU.

The main provisions are as follows:
  • A maximum working week (48 Hours)
  • A minimum working age of 16
  • Equality of pay & conditions for all 
  • Protect rights of disabled workers
  • Protect right to join a trade union
  • Pension rights for workers
  • Rights for maternity & paternity leave
  • Rights to training
  • Rights to redundancy payments
  • Right to work flexible hours
Click here for an article written in the Independent newspaper in 1993 to see why John Major and the Conservatives were against it.

Click here to read an article written in 2007 from the Guardian newspaper about Cameron's view on the Social Chapter.

Click here for another article written in 1996 on why Blair wanted to sign but the Conservatives were still against.

What are the arguments for & against the Social Chapter?

Exam Question: What is the Social Chapter, and why has it been controversial? (15 Marks)

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