Sunday 2 March 2014

Unit 4: EU Policy - C.A.P.

Common Agricultural Policy

Past Questions

To what extent has the Common Agricultural Policy been reformed since 1992? (15 Marks)
Has the Common Agricultural Policy been effectively reformed since 1992? (45 Marks)
Assess the impact of the reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy. (15 Marks)
‘Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy is always doomed to fail.’ Discuss.(45 Marks)

Questions for you to focus on today are the following:

When was it established?
What are/were the aims?
Why does/did it need reform?
What are the issues with reform?
What reforms have actually happened?
McSharry & Agenda 2000
Decoupling (Single Farm Payments – SFP’s)
Doha trade talks
2007-13 proposals

When looking for evidence, please ensure you have actual proposals and some factually based material to refer to, so as to effectively answer questions like the ones above.

Use your text book, course companion and this link to help you. 

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