Sunday 24 November 2013

Unit 1: Questions on Democratic deficit in UK

Jun 07 Define democracy. (5 Marks)

Jun 09 Define liberal democracy. (5 Marks)

Jan 08 Outline two differences between direct and representative democracy. (5 Marks)

Jun 10 What is meant by legitimacy? (5 Marks)

Jun 12 Define democratic legitimacy, and outline one way in which it can be achieved. (5 Marks)

Jun 07 To what extent has the UK political system become more democratic in recent
years? (25 Marks)

Jan 09 Evaluate the effectiveness of the various ways in which participation and
democracy could be strengthened in the UK. (25 Marks)

Jun 08 To what extent is the UK political system democratic? (25 Marks)

Jun 09 To what extent is there a ‘democratic deficit’ in the UK? (25 Marks)

Jun 10 How democratic is the UK? (25 Marks)

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