Wednesday 13 November 2013

Unit 1: British political system in crisis?

Following on from Russel Brands interview with Jeremy Paxman is this survey from YouGov (link now on blog) - Britain is evenly divided between those who believe the British political system is mostly sound and those who think it’s in need of serious change, but only 12% think it’s broken beyond repair

Click here to access the full survey. It does highlight the current issues facing government and parliament. This could be linked to questions on the electoral process, the democratic deficit in the UK, participation and many other areas covered in both unit 1 & unit 2.

Thank you Luke for sending me the link - feel free to comment.


  1. I agree on the fact that Russell Brand did make good points on voter apathy but ultimately he did not get any solution to reduce voter apathy I doubt a revolution or ‘Massive Change’ is possible in the government or voting system. I think it is young people who are basically influenced by his extra ordinary behavior and language. It is also people in the eighteen to twenty age group who are least likely to vote in elections and surprisingly, this is the age group that is being severely affected by the government's policies. Policies such as privatization and tax rates.

    I have also found this amazing video of Rory Stewart on Why democracy matters I think u may find this interesting

    Comment By Bushra Aumir

    1. Thank you Bushra and thanks for the link. We will discuss your thoughts today....
