Thursday 24 October 2013

Unit 1 & 3: Participation and Policy

This is why we should all study Politics....Excellent 10 minutes of why people are not voting, why young people are turned off politics and why the system should change...please leave a comment after you have watched this!


  1. Well I didn't like Russell Brand before that, now I definitely do. One of the rare times I've seen Paxman on the back-foot - superb!
    Side note: why wait for a 'real alternative'? Vote UKIP!

  2. Russell Brand really made a lot of good points which gives us reasons for voter apathy in the UK.He focused more on all of the large scale problems yet he was not able to explain how to solve them.The best part of the interview is that their is a subtle humour in the conversation it is serious and funny at the same time.
    Comment From : Bushra Aumir

  3. I think that Russell Brand made a very significant point about the need to change or "calling for change" as he expressed his idea in the video. This is very important as in general the reference is to a change in a current of the society and the changing in the system which will be adapted and so will engage young people in a proper voting. Otherwise the society would remain like that, uneducated and with no clue of who and why it votes for.

  4. He makes some reasonable points about voter apathy, also these aren't particularly new points. I also don't think that his advice for people to not vote at all is the right call, why can't the radical changes he's proposing be achieved through the current system if it has popular public support.
