Tuesday 17 September 2013

Unit 1: Political participation - effective?

Photo of Strabane IRA graffiti edit a hit on Twitter
The graffiti, which was sprayed on a small building in Strabane, originally said 'Join the IRA'.

An unknown person with a spray can changed it to 'Join the library.'

A photograph of the edited graffiti was tweeted by teacher and writer Brian McGilloway.

Hollywood actor Minnie Driver was one of the many people who retweeted the picture.
"It's the message of the year in my perspective and the picture has caused a lot of interest locally and further afield," said Mr McGilloway.

"It's quirky and it's a rather positive message. It would be interesting to see if it was young people behind it.

"I don't know who is behind it at this stage but whoever is behind the edit is a genius."

A number of people responded to Mr McGilloway's tweet saying "cracker," "brilliant," "we need more of this."

One enthusiast tweeted: "That's outstanding. Super-positive way to start a week. Well caught, sir."

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