Monday 23 September 2013

Unit 1: German Election results - Big win for merkel

How does the system work?
Campaign t-shirts supporting Merkel

The German electoral system is based on proportional representation.

Each voter has two votes - the first for a candidate in their constituency and the second for a political party.
299 seats are allocated to constituency candidates, who need to win a simple majority locally to take a seat in parliament.

A further 299 seats are allocated to parties so that the total distribution reflects how second votes were cast nationwide, but only if the party obtains at least 5% of second votes or wins in at least three constituencies.
Candidates who win in their constituency are guaranteed a seat regardless of their party's share of second votes. This usually leads to the total number of seats being higher than the nominal 598.

Under this system, no party has achieved an absolute majority since 1957 and coalition governments have been the norm.

Click here to access the article announcing the results.

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