Saturday 18 June 2016

The BREXIT debate - 23rd June 2016


You will prepare an argument for and against the UK staying in the EU. This will then be debated during P1 on Thursday (the day of the referendum) in front of your year group.

The format will be as follows:

10 minute presentation from either side.
10 minutes of questions from either side.
10 minutes of questions from the floor.
5 minutes of voting.

Your debate should focus on the key issues of sovereignty, immigration, trade and the economy.

You will be working with the Y12 economists. 2 people from either side will represent your point of view. Your presentation can involve slides and video etc...but it will only last 10 minutes.

Your team should also spend some time working out questions your opponents may ask and come up with potential answers.

The results will be released during P2.

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