Thursday 3 March 2016

Unit 2: Explain 3 considerations that are taken into account when choosing life peers (10 Marks)

In order to restore the balance of party support in the Lords to close to that
of the Commons, reflecting the popular will. (Malcolm Pearson - UKIP)

In order to reward donors for their support for the governing party(ies). (Lord Levy Music Industry exec - Labour)

As a reward for a career as a loyal party supporter. (Andrew lloyd-Webber - Conservative)

An individual might represent a significant section of society. (Jane Campbell - Disabled Right activist - cross-bencher)

A ‘worthy’ citizen might be able to contribute effectively to the legislative
process. (Elizabeth Barker - Lib Dem - Charity Work)

In order to reflect the more diverse nature of society. (Mohamed Sheikh - Promotes ethnic issues - Conservative)

Simply as an honour.

· Any other cogent reason

Examples from the real world should be credited, but are not essential for a good

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