Thursday 16 January 2014

Unit 4: EU Past Questions on the institutions

Past 15 Markers on the institutions

Jan 08 - To what extent is the EU a supranational body? (Old Syllabus)

Jun 08 - Assess the importance of the role of the Council of Ministers. (Old Syllabus)

Jun 08 - To what extent has the European Court of Justice become a more important body since
1992? (Old Syllabus)

Jun 09 - Why has the European Parliament become a more significant body since 1992?

Jan 10 - Why did the Reform Treaty (Lisbon Treaty) create controversy in the UK? (Old Syllabus)

Jan 10 - How important are EU Heads of Government (European Council) meetings? (Old Syllabus)

Jan 10 - How much influence does the European Parliament have in EU policy-making?

Jan 13 - How significant is the Council of the EU (Council of Ministers)?

Jun 10 - Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the European Court of Justice.

Jun 12 - How significant is the post of European President?

Jun 12 - To what extent is the European Commission accountable?

Jun 13 - Explain the role and significance of the European Court of Justice.

Past 45 Markers on the institutions

Jun 08 - To what extent does the EU still suffer from a ‘democratic deficit’? (Old Syllabus)

Jun 09 - Assess the importance of the European Commission as a decision-making body in the
EU. (Old Syllabus)

Jan 10 - ‘The European Parliament is now a more effective and influential body than it was in
1992.’ Discuss. (Old Syllabus)

Jan 13 - To what extent is the EU an example of supranational governance?

Jun 11 - ‘The Council of Ministers is the most powerful decision-making body within the EU.’

Jun 12 - The goal of a Federal Europe has been achieved. Discuss

Jun 13 - ‘The European Commission is the major driving force within the EU.’ Discuss.

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