Monday 20 May 2013

Unit 2: Last minute exam help

Click here to access an article on the recent arguments in the Conservative party over the EU. Essential application for questions on Backbench power, Prime Ministerial power, effectivenemss of Parliament etc.

Another article here on argument over same sex marriage. Again, useful for power, or lack of, that Cameron has over his party and the fact that backbenches and grass roots Tories (Essentially party members) actually can have.

One more article on the actual EU issue. Again essential reading for any questions on the above, but also on Constitutional reform.

Coalition proposals

It is very likely that you will have to consider the impact of the Coalition on government, executive and constitutional reform. Below is a list of areas that the coalition have wanted to address. You should be able to discuss if they have managed any of this so far...

The introduction of fixed term parliaments and the introduction of an enhanced majority requirement for a successful vote of no confidence. Some dispute over methods of ending a parliament early.

The possible introduction of AV. Hugely controversial between parties and within the Conservatives. Controversy settled by the referendum.

The completion of House of Lords reform, introducing a partially elected chamber.

Agreement ‘officially’ between the main parties, but great controversy with the Conservative Party and between Lords and Commons.

The equalisation of parliamentary constituency sizes. Some Labour accusations of gerrymandering.  

Reduction in the size of the Commons.   

Power of recall of MPs by constituencies.   

The possible introduction of elected mayors and police commissioners for large cities.

Various proposals concerning devolution  

The introduction of the backbench business committee

Any other valid constitutional proposals (such as a British Bill of Rights) can be credited.

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