Sunday 7 October 2012

Politics Review in the Library

I suggest you get to the library and have a look at this months issue of 'Politics Review'. It is written by examiners for students, with some excellent articles on stuff that comes up in the exam.

I will be asking you questions about what is in here.....

This months issue includes:

Politics Review - September issue
The UK political system
Is it democratic?
Edexcel Government and Politics
How to write A-grade answers
Doing too much or too little?
John Bercow MP Speaker of the House of Commons
Answers questions on how he sees his role
Should the UK remain within the EU?
Why do liberals reject unlimited freedom?
AQA American Government and Politics
How to write A* essays
Pressure groups
Do promotional groups strengthen democracy?
PPE at Oxford
A student's perspective
Coalition policy
Is the yellow tail really wagging the blue dog?

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