Saturday 22 September 2012

Unit 1: Political Parties, politicians & coalition government.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry.

But I just couldn't resist posting this superb lampoon of Nick Clegg's heartfelt (?) apology to the nation - which has now become a viral hit.

Of course, a promise is a promise. Clegg made a solemn promise during the 2010 General Election to oppose the introduction of higher tuition fees. He even signed a pledge. So this apology for breaking his promise and perhaps destroying for ever any trust that the student and parent population might have had in him, must have been hard to do.

But will the public apology work? Can it rebuild trust in the Liberal Democrats? Or does it further undermine Clegg's standing? A great discussion point.

In the meantime, enjoy the would be hilarious if it wasn't so tragic!

Questions for discussion: Do coalitions work? Can we trust politicians? What future does Nick Clegg have within his own party?

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